Yes, I continue to explore the Wave, conscious that if I did want to return it I have another week or two at most. I think it is probably sensible to keep it if I can just sort the hanging notes. I may even put it back on the Digitone setup and play what I need from it into the 505 rather than sequence it in Cirklon - trouble is it isn't a "tweak and play" synth, and those are the ones I tend to cherish. (Thinking back to things like the Xpander where it really wasn't practical to use due to the way I work.)
It does sound nice though and the only sensible replacement would be a Waldorf M, which could be like using dynamite to crack a nut. The main question is: do I really want a PPG clone? It's really not a versatile synth at all, far less than I imagined and the sample playback and addition of ring mod and sync don't make a huge difference. So, another grand to do ethereal, ghostly, waily noises or keep this or ditch entirely and go bigger - Iridium maybe? Seems very silly. Maybe sending it back and using my Blofeld for wavetable stuff...
I think the Wave is a great second keyboard but not an ideal main, if that makes sense. During testing, the really long envelopes made it harder to know if notes were hanging until I waited a bit but maybe B will be responsive and offer some enhanced envelope modes and take a look at the hangs. Not sure it is Running Status related as I had some in the alternate firmware Colin did without it.
Wednesday, Pat's birthday and I think I will decide today, tomorrow the latest. I've programmed a ton of sounds on it so let's try and find them and see if they're worth keeping a synth for...
Solved the problem - and I really should have thought of this sooner given my experiences with the Grind. I set it to MIDI channel 1 and all the note off events began being correctly received. Reported and told it will be sorted, once the Chinese New Year ends. Phew. Means I will keep it after all.
Thursday, icy start but sunny. Have let Walter out to wander round the garden again - he seemed to enjoy it yesterday although it's clear he's never going to fly. Will need to find a good solution for him, not sure any rescue place will take pigeons though. Pat may be away tomorrow and saturday, which will give me some space to play and noodle.
And so I did. Friday was a long recording session and Saturday I took all January's recordings and laid them out in Wavelab, then trimmed down to six chunks of pieces that merge and seque into each other in what I hope is a satisfying way. Had a quick whizz through and made some notes, will make a few adjustments and whittle it down. Another indulgent double album and that's just the first month of the year. What marvels will follow?