Friday, 21 October 2011

new laptop arrived exactly as Amazon said. Full of lots of shite Toshiba software. Not totally sure I like the keyboard, why do they skew them to the left now? Setting up software, can't find my Paintshop Pro CD but otherwise getting on with it...

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Nowt much to report this week, have been pottering with Octatrack trying to fill it with songs and patterns that will work as improvisational starting points. It's a frustrating instrument in many ways but I'm getting there. New Animoog for iPad is good - but fecking well has "start at zero" envelopes!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Got most of review done tonight. Will have to chase 'em tomorrow for a definitive answer on the MIDI out thing. Wordcount pretty much right, got screenshots (and captions). Spent time with OP-1 too, to rest my eyes.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Another glorious sunny day, a bit of Octatrack in the afternoon, meal at Colin's in the evening. Pat's cold seems to have come back so I'm alone watching telly and she's gone to bed. Poor thing, never seems to be right.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Saw Hawklords last night, great to see Harvey enormously popular. Good gig but I couldn't find my fecking earplugs again.
Got some feedback on submitted tracks - need to work on a few of them which is a pain. Carl was saying similar I recall so maybe they're just getting pickier - probably can afford to be, lots more talented people than me writing for them. Must try harder.
OP1 arriving today, trying to get through Mikro review. NI stopped replying to questions. Why does that always happen? I know, I'm an old windbag who persists in digging and digging until it annoys...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Hmmm Tuesday is it? Yesterday I submitted what I hope is a decent Tibetan/Mongolian ancient world track plus started a new club one that has potential. Gathering drones/bridges for the Octatrack, could be handy as there's the chance of a one-off gig in Poland.
Review progressing, seems pretty straight-forward to write thus far, clear what's good and less good about it. I miss proper step-time input and still can't get the step input in Logic working right. Key command defs just don't seem to stick. No idea why. Still pining for Cubase's editors. Today: more of the same.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

A shit day yesterday was improved considerably by Tony - chatted until two in the morning very happily. Earlier I'd fed my Mac DVDs until it was sick - or until Logic wouldn't work anyway which is as bad. Something in the Komplete 8 install screwed it badly, and it was only help from David on the Logic forum that got me going again. I'm way too clueless about all that stuff and have to learn.

Not that much extra in Komplete 8 as far as I can tell, some pianos and drums but not a lot I absolutely needed. Seem to have used up loads of disk space for very little benefit - also downloaded new Emotional Piano but was it worth it? Not installed but another Files menu entry.

Komplete 8 integrates with Maschine, which is the main point - although I will still need to see what Elements includes so I can mention that. The visibility of all the patches is very good though.
Today I sussed most of Mikro, which is nice.
And there's a new Walking Dead!
Got a bound version of FAF which was nice. I'll have to go through it with a pencil though and mark the stuff to fix. Probably...
A shit day yesterday was improved considerably by Tony - chatted until two in the morning very happily. Earlier I'd fed my Mac DVDs until it was sick - or until Logic wouldn't work anyway which is as bad. Something in the Komplete 8 install screwed it badly, and it was only help from David on the Logic forum that got me going again. I'm way too clueless about all that stuff and have to learn.

Not that much extra in Komplete 8 as far as I can tell, some pianos and drums but not a lot I absolutely needed. Seem to have used up loads of disk space for very little benefit - also downloaded new Emotional Piano but was it worth it? Not installed but another Files menu entry.

Komplete 8 integrates with Maschine, which is the main point - although I will still need to see what Elements includes so I can mention that. The visibility of all the patches is very good though.
Today I sussed most of Mikro, which is nice.
And there's a new Walking Dead!
Got a bound version of FAF which was nice. I'll have to go through it with a pencil though and mark the stuff to fix. Probably...

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

I'm 5o today. Went to Pear Tree with mum and Janet and stuffed ourselves so much I went to bed when I came home. Didn't get much work done although more Maschine for an hour or so in the morning, making good progress there. Pat out all day in B'ham for horse of the year.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Well well, finished a japanese one, a bit dynamic possibly for the "atmospheric" brief. NI Maschine Mikro arrived - installing now. Making some odd noises, ah, "installation failed". Looks neat and sleek though... :(

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Saturday was another nice one, got an ancient chinese track done, although I'm gonna review and probably simplify the percussion. Didn't do much else but happy enough lazing. Nick worried me with tales of seeing a specialist but wouldn't say what her symptoms are. I guess she'll tell me in her own good time.