Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Good day's work, reckon I have about 25 songs now, most with two or three sub-songs - so a collection of ambient weirdness, prepared tracks (including some reworked library tracks) and sequencer stuff, all intechangeable and very messable.
Have to copy the Octatrack card tomorrow. Then test. Have to do that the long way for some reason - copying the samples and project stuff manually always results in card errors. Bloody thing! It's almost 14Gb now I think.Discovered a fair few Cirklon bugs, I am pretty sure related to the restore I did. Had more cool ideas, I think, for streamlining performance. Got msg from J, seems I have no worries about light and there will be food also. Excellent. Whatever the weather, will do me best!

Must check about recording.
Provis gear:
Seq box (Cirklon, Radias, RX1202, P2K), Octatrack, Prodigy, Timefactor, iPad, Monotron Delay.
Will the Octatrack fit on my mini-easel?

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