Monday, 18 February 2013


So last night I was planning to polish the african/burmese tracks but with it being Pat's night off (due to horse competition stuff), I didn't. Tony came round and we gawped at the moon, jupiter and other jobbies. Telescope calibrated OK when I picked two specific stars so that's how I'll do it from now on.

Ironically today was chased for the tracks, first time I've been chased for owt. Quickly mixed what I had, sent off. Maybe that's the best approach, time will tell. This evening I worked on a review - beta OS of a hard/soft thing that's improved, thank goodness. At least I'll have something to say, will try to get as much done in the week as I can, before the guys arrive Friday.

Listening to some Headshock now - a quick mix I did of the pre and post xmas stuff. It needs work, especially the pre, but there's some amazing bits in there. Speaking of Headshock, heard a very old version of Explorers of the Dreamworld last night. It's really different to what we released, lots of tracks we later scrapped but which I think have some merit. Even the excessive use of samples didn't grate although I spose repeated listens would. May see if we can give it away as an incentive to get folks to buy the final version.

Duncan was enthusing over the OT MIDI sequencer, made me think I should take another look. Will I ever need to do a minimal Cirklon-less gig? Maybe, so I should refresh my memory. If I can be arsed...

I like this picture of grass. I may have posted it before though.

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