Saturday, 25 May 2013

Camper than Liberace

Yes, I've reached that special point in my dotage where I bought a camper van. It's definitely camper than my lovely car which, sadly, must go so we can a) afford it b) find room for it. Actually b) is something we should have considered before the shaking of hands but that's not how we do things round here. My dear wife of 25 years likes me to be dynamic and plough in and this I have done.

I've therefore offered to buy the garage adjacent to ours. It's dropping down so will require removal and a new garage building. Still, campsites are quite cheap on a daily basis even if petrol, vans, garage building, concrete bases etc. aren't. Hey ho. I think I can forget my dream of exploring european cities until the next lifetime.

Here is a picture of the van. Should be useful for festivals and suchlike.

Today is towel day. I know where mine is and why it smells so bad. I had planned to finish the track I started yesterday but, alas.

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