Saturday, 30 November 2013


Well, the new library liked the tracks, which is always a relief. I think I'd have given up by now if it weren't for Paul keep encouraging me. Looks like I can keep sending stuff to these guys, will have a go at some more in the week.

Recorded a quick and basic video about getting started with scenes to put together a song structure, on request of someone on the Cirklon forum.

Got some strange grief from Pat for not hearing the phone ring in the afternoon as I was recording it. She left no message on the house phone or my mobile yet I was in the wrong for not being instantly available (this from the woman who frequently leaves her mobile at home). I dunno she'll ever understand how the music thing works. She also didn't ask to hear any of my new tracks. Hehe, I'm doing the "my wife doesn't understand me" routine! When, of course, she understands me all too well! :)

Had to go pick up the tile paint cos the courier got lost. Might have been able to get the roof done today if we'd had it yesterday as they promised. Should've ordered it myself as I'd have noticed it was in Leyland and therefore just driven there at the start of the week. Idiot! Also, was expecting a 5 litre tin and this is 20! Not entirely sure it's the right stuff as it's the same price as the 5l ones I was sure about. Ah bugger it.

Right, things to do, couple of software reviews to crack on with, some alternate mixes to do of the library stuff, probably won't get chance to do another tutorial vid today but we'll see.

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