Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Odd Day

Odd in that I feel a little deflated by the day. I went over to pick up Phil's stuff and ended up bringing most of it back. Forgot a controller keyboard and left the guitar stuff, a large flightcase and so on. Couldn't find my SE50 or wireless monitor but no matter, just carrying it all back and looking at it made me feel strange. Pick of the pile is a nice mixer, claimed by Andy, plus Repeater, which Tony expressed interest in once upon a time. Nothing I really want but may hang onto Poly800, at least for a while.

I should start to compile a list of my stuff and roughly its value, just in case owt ever happens to me. Pat would have a nightmare going through it all. It brought it home to me just how much mess we leave behind us. I did get Phil's little Micro BR which he used to record us in Spain that time. A quick listen reveals some guitar on it so maybe I can do something with that. Would like to.

Made small tweaks to reviews and heard of another coming, so tomorrow needs to be a big work day, no more of this moping. Thus ends today's pointless entry.

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