Yes, I fixed the cooker. Took it out, replaced the grill, got it back again with only a few screws missing. It works!
Concentrated on the review I'd touched least, lots of work to do and deadline 1st week December, which should be do-able. At least I've tried most things and am starting to get a good feel, have written copious notes so will work next few days going over and confirming before starting to type.
Now Pat's watching some program about a horse being castrated. So I'm fleeing - time for bed!
Got first rejection letter, actually a good one which was strange. It's basically all praise but they suggest I publish myself online - well cheers! Still, unusual in the sense they replied and only had positives, just confusing. I guess they need to gush, and I suspect I need male readers of a certain age for that. Hmmm, actually exactly the age that don't gush about owt. I may have spotted a flaw in my master plan here...
Nighty night!
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