Saturday, 24 November 2012

Late night last night, grabbed a load of Phil's Repeater loops thinking I could do good stuff with them. Will certainly load a few into the Octatrack but there's a hell of a lot of delay on most, which makes it kinda hard. Good old chat into the early hours, think I crawled into my pit at around half one.

Had more novel feedback, not good news I'm afraid. If I'm gonna expect people to read it, it can't be based on plot alone. Nobody is gonna get to the end of a novel if they dislike the main character, which is something I really should've considered. Putting in a few clues of redemption after 60,000 words is clearly not enough. I'm trying to think how I can turn it around without a rewrite. Returning to an idea I've been nursing about adding a Foreword, suggesting a few of the things that are obviously way too subtle in the text, giving more explicit clues that the character telling the tale doesn't always tell the truth, suggesting the reader read between the lines, oh I dunno. It won't make it more engaging. Maybe I should just write the second one and make it the first in the series! Maybe I should give it up as a bad job. A lesson anyway in the old head/heart ratio. If you go entirely for the head maybe the only folks who'll read are nerds. Will hold off sending any more to agents for a while.

Plodded on with review today, mainly throwing text around, trying to work out if I'm saying everything I want to with no holes. I have this feeling a new upgrade will come next week and throw a lot of what I'm planning to say in the bin. In a sense I hope so. Anyway, with a week to go I'm happy I'm on course. Can look at that little app review too if I remember.

Last night did a fair bit of jamming on the Trout. Amazingly I can play it, not well but I'm developing some kind of technique, even for staccato notes. It already puts my theremin playing to shame, but then what doesn't?

LOL, funny how my blog entries are always the longest when I have the least to say! Overtly anyway. As you were.

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