Wednesday, 10 April 2019

A walk on Longridge Fell, a book, some sunshine...

Try everything, embrace your failures as readily as your successes - more so, perhaps, because they can teach you so much. I don't know who said that but it may have been me, possibly paraphrasing someone cleverer.

I finished Stephen Palmer's The Autist today and really enjoyed it. He covers some ideas I've tackled but does so with greater intelligence, craft and writing skill. Where I write CIP, he's definitely PIC (Plot/Idea/Character). In some ways like Asimov in that his characters are only revealed by their actions and there are many fab ideas to wallow in. I will now go and read some more, having previously been put off by his first one.

Another splendid sunny day. I confess I did nothing except read and bask and don't feel bad about it. Tomorrow I might fire up the studio. PRS came in - once again much more than I expected. Although there is nothing I want, I did buy a friend's second hand SQ1 sequencer, mostly to feed the CV inputs of the Minilogue xd. It was either that or blow £100 on a small 4MS Eurorack case to house an LFO, attenuator and so on. However, that would contravene my current 'no more Eurorack spending' rule.

I confess I have done nothing with the 4 module reviews I have lined up. If the weather continues to be nice, I can't see that changing.

Went up Longridge Fell the other day but I don't think I'll visit again for a while. They've logged the heart out of it and it may not grow back in my lifetime. Drove past 'the haunted altar' but didn't go and look for it. I suspect I'll never find the thing again.

Fell into the trap of debating with someone online, the EU of course, but eventually reached the 'what is the point?' stage. There really is none and you can never change cognitive bias by challenging it on Facebook. A better ending than that time I foolishly discussed gun control with an American. I did wonder whether the guy owned a flag pole. If so, the only pole he welcomes. Ho ho.

Saw a picture of a black hole today. Made me think I haven't had a curry for a while.

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