Sunday, 7 April 2019


Or lambda Draconis. That was today, Thursday. A stately 55BPM and, being stoned, I tested out how easy it is to overwrite a previous project (very). Fortunately, I had backed it up. Have not recorded Fomalhaut, Arcturus or Deneb so they must not be good enough yet. Chilled afternoon not looking at news. Keep doing that!

Went to the Spar and saw someone walking a cat, on a lead. The cat seemed pretty content too.

Robert just dug up an old tune, reminding me we really should get together and do something. He did some great tunes in his David Sylvian phase.

Phil, my old boss, bought a novel. I should probably have directed him to Future Art Factory as he might have recognised some parts of it, and even some people. It got me thinking back to the early days of the DISU, the stories Bunty and I used to write. I wonder if he went on to write any novels? We really should have kept in touch. I also wonder if any Neville the Frog stories survived. I notice a common them of my blogs is to wonder or to suggest I really should do something. Is there a more wishy-washy human being I wonder? I should find out...

Oh look, it's Sunday. Yesterday I sorted Deneb and recorded it. Today I went to Fomalhaut and did a new thing in it. Possibly cheesy - one of those melodies I always do in Fm. Anyway, didn't record it but it's a nice break from the first couple of patterns and could be extended further.

Today the Minilogue hung on me. Wouldn't respond or even power off with its button - had to pull the power cable. Will keep an eye on it. Was sending MIDI notes from Octatrack but nothing untoward AFAIK.

Nice day. Set up mum's new laptop, seems OK and actually a decent deal for a refurbished one. Takeaway tonight methinks. Did not make much progress on review. Practically none.

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