Sunday, 8 December 2019

Synthi Joy

The new trapezoid inversion and S&H work a treat - recorded a 15 min piece today that I think is brilliant. Just a straight jam, nothing fancy, pure Synthi but that's all you need! Sent it to Martin as he was after something for his label but haven't heard back - maybe too radiophonic for what he had in mind. Added a couple of 'ambient mush loop' type things he could pick instead.

This was just before, not quite as together but heading in the right direction.

Oh, and on Thursday I fired up the studio to do an exclusive track for Phantom Circuit, the chap who helped me out processing the Path to sound better. It turned out rather well, I think - started with general noodles on the Mono Circuit / TT-78 but half-way through, in response to a Synthi wail, everything broke down into a deep, full drone type piece. At over 20 mins it feels natural, smooth and a perfect example of a studio jam. Everything I do right now seems to work, so I really should do more.

However, I have finally made a start updating the Cirklon manual - which inevitably means there are things I need to remember. And because some features are tied to my unit's serial number, must also be careful not to mention features that aren't widely available. Actually, it looks like Colin added my personal shortcut for save/lose (a la P3) to the wider community, so that's good. Would be even better if it was mentioned in public ;)
I've got the ability to do screen dumps too now, which Colin can smooth so they look as good as the others. Busy, busy!

Ah, he must mean sharpen, since mine look too smooth and fuzzy. Darn. Playing with the Polyrhythm option and realising it's a marvel for piano type material. Got a bit lost with a pair of 1 bar P3 patterns with accumulators and random direction changes - sure sounds wild to me! Anyway, back to updating manual soon but want to sort graphics. At least I play with Cirklon again, which I haven't deeply for quite a while. Seduced by the simplicity of Elektron and the speed and playfun factor of the P3 setup, especially now the P3 feeds the MonoCircuit. But Cirklon has all that real-time stuff to enjoy, the reich function and I really must try that 'Prh' example someone posted. Must also try that 'sort Korg Win10 driver tosh' video and see if I can get mine going. Relying on old laptop to backup Microsampler and Minilogue xd is not good.

Had a lovely Saturday. Music (cocked up recording but can do again), chilling with films and g&t, lovely. Sunday equally good, almost hit the political iceberg with my mum but we both steered away.

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