Seems I may have been drunk last night. I reach this conclusion because I didn't finish my glass of wine, which very rarely happens. Had an excellent curry, which is greeting me again this morning. I watched most of the things I'd recorded (season finale of the Strain, Rick & Morty, Vic & Bob) but drew the line at Lord of the Elves which, even stoned though I was, was utter garbage but not in any kind of funny way. There were two people in it who (I think) had acted before. The rest of the cast were clearly just hobos.
How come when I eat liqueur chocolates I always leave cherry to the last? Seems counter-intuitive. Trying to limit myself to a box a day but it's 09:20 and I've eaten most of the current one.
Yesterday's recording is sounding very good indeed. I'm 22 mins in and contemplating another coffee. Today I will work out a tune for my new thing, probably. If not will record anyway, can always add a melody later if one occurs to me. Where's Picko when you need him?
Yeah, I was taking photos like that yesterday, convinced I was doing the Lord's Work. I'm going to drink less today.
Amazingly I missed a Friday, thinking it was Saturday. Now it's an actual Saturday and I'm at a loss. That track has been mixed and remixed but still isn't perfect. Too many elements - which always happens when I sync up the whole studio. I don't often go back and do things again but I probably should with this as there are a few decent ideas that float up from the stew, like interesting potatoes or amusingly-shaped carrots.
Since I didn't drink much yesterday, seems fair for me to contemplate a beer or two today. I should clean the mould out of the conservatory but can wait. Seems I'm waiting for something but not sure what. There really is no excuse for delaying starting writing the new novel. However.
Oh, my interview thing came out reasonably well - not as long as the others, which is probably in its favour. I fleshed out my answers somewhat on my facebook page.
I may offer some kind of summary of the year very soon. Then again, it might be too depressing.
This was a shit blog entry.
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