Monday, 30 March 2020

Covid Diary Supplemental

Captain's log, going a bit rotten, got some beetles and woodlice in it but hey you work with what you have eh?

Dean introduced me to an album I'd never heard today, good too:

It's odd how easily I've adapted to the formless days, the nearly-identical schedule that isn't a schedule. Jasper is happy anyway, although I do wish I could turn my 'going out for exercise' into actual exercise. We never walk fast enough but I can't begrudge him. All I'm doing is punching which isn't the best way to keep fit, although could help against burglars. I read in the Independent that sex workers are finding it hard.
I should go to the bank to put in a couple of SOS cheques - time passes and they aren't going to pay themselves in.

Have reached the part of my novel that is almost a short story in itself, concerning the creatures living beneath the Old Wreck. Still not 100% sure about it as it's a different tone to the rest and maybe not a perfect fit. Will let it roll around a bit until it either becomes something or it doesn't.

Seem to have hurt my back hitting my punchman today. Might have got stuck in too hard and twisted as I punched but will have to ease off. Programmed another set of Hydrasynth patches - I spend so long doing that but I'm fairly sure I'd have more usable stuff had I spent the same time programming, say, the Blofeld.  Which is interesting. Maybe I'm stuck in the old wavetable mentality but I think the Blofeld filters sound better too. Anyway, putting Hydra to one side for a bit so I can work on some music. Spent the afternoon playing piano and enjoyed that. Somewhere along the way I had an idea for my story, an angle for it that might slot in nicely. We'll see.

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