Thursday, 2 April 2020


Today's pleasant discovery was Synthesist Reloaded - didn't realise Harald had redone it but from what I've heard so far it's lovely. I have the original but I think it might be on tape. Must order this. Haven't heard my Ashra vinyl for ages, hope it still plays.

Fired up Mac today and got no inspiration at all. Sent John those piano mid files. In the afternoon I turned to Cirklon and immediately began doing something I can continue working on. Cool!

For some reason, an error in my Hydrasynth review popped into my mind - checked the text and there it was. Sadly too late for the print edition but amended for the online version (not quite as I'd have done it but less intrusively). I really did do that one faster than I should. It's not a major thing (I claimed the Drive was for both filters when I meant so say all filter types of filter 1) but shows I'm past my use-by date.

This afternoon (Thursday) I will return to the track I started sketching today. Back still sore but sitting seems to make it worse, so I'll be standing next to Cirklon again. Adding that small CME keyboard directly before Cirklon has been a good idea - not just for recording poly AT into the Blofeld and Hydrasynth but for recording things like the V-Synth, ordinarily my master keyboard.

Having removed the Odyssey and connected it to the P3, I had a mixer channel spare, so slotted in the Novation Mono Circuit. Good call - by selecting a blank project and turning off the stupid scale function I can select patches remotely from Cirklon and -heypresto- it becomes a valuable member of the team. Actually fills a space my Bass Station and BS2 left in terms of being an analogue programmable synth. Will never need to touch the sequencer again. Had to compromise on which Ck output to put it on due to the synths on the one I wanted to use having no Thru (and I'm using all my other thru boxes elsewhere). Fortunately the Hydrasynth had an unused thru cos they did the MIDI port thing right.

In theory should reorganise as the P2K doesn't get heavily used these days - it sure doesn't need a port to itself any more. It also has a thru. Job for another day.

The other day I wanted to randomly mute notes and chords played by the Hydrasynth in a real-time pattern (so no aux events). Always a solution and this one I later extended to include other tracks - including a lovely Blofeld falling star noise -  muting and unmuting. The more entries you make for a particular state, the more likely that state will be set. Simple really but good.

Got my novel problem sorted I think, the characters all fleshed out sufficiently, the 'mini story' drafted.

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