Tuesday, 3 November 2020

More Blackbox fun

 A happy offshoot of the Blackbox's ability to record long files of a custom length is for collaborations. Tim came round yesterday and we did a bit of that kind of thing, one recording something then the other taking over and recording something else while the previous thing(s) play. Given you can do that 16 times and choose for each recording what you want to listen to of previous recordings AND given they all loop according to their own length, well, it's fab for making things that can shift and move around against each other, never quite the same. I left the bar synchronisation on so in theory things start from common places regardless of their length, but will experiment with that off too. Still couldn't find the power supply for the theremin - however as I type that I remember that it doesn't have one. It's one of those wee square batteries, duh!!

This morning I did some more draft #4 fixes. I'm now contemplating work on the GR-1 review but think I'd rather play in the studio instead. Discipline, that's what I lack! 

Have now listened through the album test pressing twice and it sounds magnificent. Still pinch myself that there will be an album and singles of this quality and I'm on them!

Oh, and any Cirklon users really should view Splitradix's video about Cirklon patterns - showed me something I didn't know - makes me think I should go and check the manual since I'm fairly sure I didn't see it in there or think to add it. Anyway, yay for the CC view! Maybe I should start using Ck patterns a bit more. Usually it's just a process of recording and either keeping or redoing until I get it right. 

Blimey it's Tuesday evening now, which is later than before. Today I finished applying the edits and tweaks to the novel. Draft #4 should be the final version - seems OK to me now. Hopefully I didn't introduce any last minute errors but will await Ben's cover before doing a final proof copy. Almost there.
Shooting the video for our first single this week - rather exciting. Some lass Dean knows is doing it for us, yay!
I listened through Parrots that poop at Twilight, the TD boxed set. Hard going, I thought but most people seem to like it. Tomorrow we're doing Pendle so hope it doesn't pee down. 
After that I'll finish the GR-1 review. A new version yesterday addressed two of the things I hoped would get done (the duff loop handling and display of voice pitch for the 4 voice triggers). I inevitably asked for more almost right away. 

I contributed to this tribute. They included more of the email than I expected but I guess I should have been more precise.

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