Monday, 18 April 2011

Two latest tracks were OK apparently. All is good. Dunno how many more needed. Looking hard to get to SW8, no obvious flights locally.
The DJ app I got is OK but output seems quite low. I added a load of my MP3s and they play OK but I dunno if it's gonna be quite what I want. That's the trouble with these apps, you buy them, you realise they're shallow or crap, you buy more. Tim seems to have got a good one though but it doesn't send MIDI of course.
Heard back from someone behind Multitrack DAW along the lines of "gee, that's a useful idea, we'll check it out". I asked about MIDI clock. I think that's a good reflection of the current state of play of music apps on the iPad right now. Hopefully some pro companies will get involved but for now, don't buy an iPad thinking it's just like a regular computer in terms of its power and applications. They call them "apps" for a reason you know!

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