Friday, 26 July 2013


Bade farewell to the guys on their way to Synth-DIY and regretting not going along. Turns out I do have a bit of spare cash right now but I guess my gut will be better without a weekend of solid beer and eating. Would've changed my mind at the last minute except Pat away all day Saturday and it's too long to leave Jasper. Ah well, gives me time to work on a review and the new music brief before the other package of review stuff arrives Monday.

It's been  glorious and rather than sweat it out in the studio, I got some books from the library. Read the first in one go, very short book by Ray Bradbury about getting old. Great, just what I needed!

I haven't touched novel for a fair while now, not properly anyway just to sketch a few scenes here and there that all seem to be leading to more and more work. Don't want this one to escape on me and become another faff, or FAF even, but it easily could. Have parked the one strand that will be the final story in the series and it can wait there until I get round to it in a year or so. Review stuff has to come first, music ticking in the background, then everything else.

Discovered that a plumber is another of those things I am not. Failed in my attempt to replace the pipe under the sink - couldn't get it to fit tight enough and water was pouring freely from it. In the end put the old one back but now that is leaking slightly more than it was when I started. Still less than the water leak under our new garage which I reported and poor neighbour has to fix (since it's his pipe that's leaking). Something very wrong and unfair about that and I feel quite bad about it. Had to be fixed though - can't build a new garage on top of it!

Margaret here tonight, they both off tomorrow so I'll have the day in peace. Lisa's pic to do, see how hot it is before I decide what else I'm up to. Next week the new dynamic me is unveiled. Definitely next week cos I've seen no sign of it this one.

Here's a pic I took of Pat's horse tucking in.

Sorry, no new synth pix. I should've taken one of Colin's MS20 mini but forgot. It sounded really good, wonder when mine will arrive! The keyboard's a bit shit though, very toy-like despite what some have said. Could see me making it into a module but getting some extra patch points added. VCO outputs at least and probably PWM inputs for phase 1. Maybe someone will bring out a decent little synth with a longer keyboard. Heard about possibility of a Mopho keyboard being fitted with a Mophox4 voice card and that seems a really interesting idea. Must investigate...

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