Saturday, 20 July 2013

Studio rejig

I've been putting it off since getting the little Alesis submixer but have finally plumbed it in, using a similar trick to Tim's extended connection to the main desk - i.e. using the Behringer as a junction box. At the moment only two 303 clones in it plus the Pitch Factor (used as a delay). Some work to do yet but it's getting there.

Also worked on review stuff for a bit.

This morning I looked at Logic's Scale Quantize in more detail - but there is no more detail. It's another turkey - a superficial box ticker rather than a functional, useful addition to the program. Sadly typical of Apple these days, what happened to the concept of delight? So really all I've got out of Logic X is having to upgrade my OS, buy the software and replace my monitor to try and live with the overwhelming and non-customisable gloom. WTF??

I'm an idiot. Never assume Apple will get it right. They didn't even catch up with transpose to scale as seen on Cubase for Atari ST.

OK, I'm calmer now. Still kicking myself for not reading manual before leaping in. You'll laugh but I leapt in because people were not complaining it was falling on its arse all the time (memories of Logic 9.0 will never go away). I wonder if that'll start when I start using it in earnest? So more money and time wasted, warnings from BT about my broadband useage for the massive download of content, none of which I seem to be able to trace or at least identify as new or, gasp, worthwhile.

no wonder I went back to pulling wires and moving mixers around to relax!

Have been listening to lots of my old albums. Great stuff from Roedelius, Bo Hansson, Cluster, Kraftwerk, Vangelis etc. Then I put on TD's Exit and am reminded what a pile of dreary, dead-sounding shite that album is. It really could have been created by a computer rather than played by three musicians. At the time I thought they were bowing out - and that might have been a good time. Even though it;s light years beyond what they're doing now, it's still abysmal.  And here was me promising myself recently I'd only post positive stuff. Ah well.

Got contracts for thai tracks, must fill in and return. Next week, start new hard work regime next week. Or else!

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