Friday, 27 October 2017

New legends popping up all over the place

Today I discovered that if I type in Musical Legend to facebook in capitals, I'm offered some self-employed chap called Laurent somethingorother as a substitute for the phrase. Seems very peculiar to me. Was there another (inter)national vote that went seriously wrong? Or can you declare yourself a legend then get facebook to comply?

more of my b&w photos

One of my best Jasper photos :)

Analog Four seemed to die on me today. Replaced with Microsampler. Review modules sorted. Trying not to get too many though. Sudden glut. Recorded some stuff, might be OK. Couldn't mix as Logic had some weird display I couldn't shift.
Started new Alastair Reynolds and it's promising already. Good day! Well, apart from A4. 

Old friend got in touch, checking I'm OK after I cropped up in a dream. I confirmed I'm peachy and exploring retirement . .  . 

New Stranger Things today. Cool.

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