Pat went south doing her 'good samaritan baby looking-after' thing, leaving me to my own devices until Saturday. It's day one and I'm missing her already, so I can see I'm going to have to be brave.
Tried to swap one of the new mattresses for a smaller one today but Bensons were a bit difficult about it. Fortunately it seems important that we never actually saw the items concerned in the store and therefore it's 'distance selling' or something. They were meant to ring back this afternoon but didn't. I will chase tomorrow with patient determination.
I didn't get into the studio after all today. Instead, I felt a bit shit and took a paracetamol and lay on the settee. I also wrote some novel stuff, filling in cracks rather than progressing, but a job worth doing if this thing is actually going to hang together. Now I appear to be binge-watching Californication. So far I have deliberately not stocked up on beer or chocolate.
Evening: had some of the exotic tea and felt woozy and sick. Agreed to swap my Elements for a pair of Pressure Points & Brains. I may get a Plaits as I had previously considered swapping Elements for a Braids.
Day 2 of being Just Me. Bensons totally twatted out on us so it's time for the Furniture Ombusman. Seriously, don't buy from any store, ever. Let those fuckers all go extinct. Take it from me: buy mail order and you have rights. Buy from twats and they write their own rules. Anyway, didn't do a lot today apart from hang around and have a few small ideas. I think I fixed the Digisound (found 2 loose wires) and I put up another small shelf for Ross's case on the only remaining space on the wall. Sent Elements off and contemplated the way I'll move stuff around (again). I've gone from no sequencers in my case to 3, no 4 if I bring in the Stepper Acid living in the Ross case.
Got chilled today (Thursday). Haven't fixed VCDO after all. Will get Tony to take it sometime. Wrote to Furniture Ombudsman despite his stupid 'wait 3 months' thing on website. No wonder the cunts were so cunty.
this and other stuff, dunno if too weird for Don. Drank beer.
Well, Friday was fun I think. Novel progressed, I did another mix of the Don thing but still not convinced yet. I seem to have watched a lot of Netflix and lay around getting shit-faced. Probably why the novel has moved on nicely and the music has no focus. Pat home later today, which will be nice. I should tidy up...
Probably the last of the snow pix for this year (we'll see)
Oh, there was a new Hitch Hikers on Radio 4. I lasted about 5 mins. In comparison, my writing seems sharp and witty. And that doesn't happen very often.