Thursday, 18 July 2019

Hot hot hot

Yeah, mostly too hot to get into studio. Had a longish walk in the Trough on Monday. Still keen to get into studio - I feel a fast and catchy one is probably a good idea for the ANT project, plus it will test my new mixing setup.

Oh well, I haven't been to the gym this week and it's Wednesday already. So I guess I should. Although...
Thursday I finished moving the power distribution around - freeing several 4-ways in the process. I now have my work areas as follows:

Mac only
Modular & Synthi
P3 / TT-78 / KS-4 / Lyra-8 / Juno-6 / Electribe Sampler
Cirklon Main / TT-606 / RC-505
(Usually CV-driven) Analogue Keyboards

May be a few refinements still to make. I'm conscious that the Spirit mixer is woefully underused, having only the TT-606 and SK-20 going through it. Since that mixer has the Space reverb, I'd like to maybe introduce another synth - we'll see. Progressing nicely though.

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