Yesterday I did a thing that sounds good today too. Amazeballs!
Today I will update the Digitone and maybe work on novel. Sun's out but heavy rain forecast. Argued with twats on my morning walk - more fire-lighting yob types.
Well, I didn't update the Digitone yet. I fired up the P3 and Repeater and KS4 though.
Part of the ongoing Scottish Suite I guess - just a section needed for the end now, for which I have some ideas. Then the whole thing can be a single mp3, although may have to split for bandcamp.
Got a request for Ambient Space Monkeys - actually the first but as it was passed on from Picko, I guess I'll do it and then all the CDRs are accounted for. The artwork is... somewhere.
Thursday good day. Got first mix of my Scottish Suite done. Might boost it a little in places.
Hah! I said 'amazeballs'. What is happening to me?
Source Distribution are amazing! Seriously, I was an idiot, dismantled mic stand to try using it with that webcam.Long story short, can I find where I put the lil screw jobby? NO! I was desperate, looked everywhere, decided had to buy new ones. Asked Source and they sending me some and did so, first class even. Bowled over. Shows it ain't all lizards out there.
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