Saturday, 22 August 2020

More arse problems and draft #2 begun

 Jasper's had a bad time this last few days (and a bad time one day last week when I was away all morning). He basically wanders around the house trying to take a shit. This morning there was blood in his poo. Been trying to get through to vet all morning, permanently engaged. 

I started draft #2 with a clear command to myself: simplify. This draft will be about reducing faff, trimming all those excess adjectives, pointless bolted-on clauses and inane observations that don't forward the plot. Well, that's the theory. Nothing will get left just cos it amused me at the time. Gosh, such resolution. 

Tuesday and Jasper still struggling, still having accidents. Spending my day watching him, sitting with him, wiping his arse. Vet tomorrow evening. The pills we got yesterday not really making an apparent difference. 

Today I got to about chapter eight being very ruthless, trimming large unnecessary chunks, adding a small amount where it was obviously necessary. Some of the detail and explanation stuff might find its way back in, or not. Story comes first. In the afternoon I recorded a few short GR-1 pieces to hopefully replace some of the voice bits I'll delete. I would love to get some lovely choral and soprano voices to turn into drones, will search tomorrow. Pat away Thursday night so I can spend two long, full days getting things in shape.

Thursday, up to chapter 11 and instead of walking the hills on this clear sunny day I'm inside keeping an eye on an elderly pooch. Three lots of pills, cooked chicken to eat and very bad guts mean I couldn't go and leave him. I remember what happened last week. Had bad guts of my own, maybe in sympathy. Pat off tonight and weather meant to turn tomorrow, so may get lots of work done. 

Made it to Saturday night. Haven't drunk as much today so got a revision of my granular thing done.

Novel up to chapter 19 which is pretty good going. I've chopped a lot. Possibly more should still go but we'll see. Good to be ruthless but need to keep being it. Splitting into chapters is helping. 

Jasper seems better. Sadly he vomited most of his tea up so I hope most pills got where they were meant to. 


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