Thursday 25 January 2024

Continuing to learn KSP and reduce modular and generally slick up setup 2.

 Yeah, the bank select functionality seems borked and another person was able to reproduce my disappearing display bug so I'll report it, assuming Arturia get back to me after my initial report. I've removed more modules and now have the left Doepfer case being mostly processors and FX, the right being synths to sequence. The Roland case is now going to be just the Tonestar with sequencer, not that it's much needed but perhaps I'll sequence that from the A4 in setup 4. 

We had some snow. Then it had to go.

That's probably gone by now. Along with the ones that followed. Tim and I did a good thing on Saturday in setup 1. Sunday I worked a bit on the novel front cover text. 

Got a survey from Arturia today. Filled it in asking for some dialogue due to many issues I've had with the Chroma. Let's see if they want to make it better or...

Recorded a restrained thing yesterday with the Osmose. Did a sequencer version too but it sucked. Pat's chair arrived for her new space but I think its size caught her by surprise - rather small it was. Comfy though. She's still looking for some kind of table for her jigsaws. Trying not to miss the library and my easily-accessed music collection. 

Heard that my 'introduce human error' philosophy is not even new - Persian carpets always have a deliberate flaw but for different reasons (i.e. "only god is perfect"). Oh well, nothing original about me then. Have had a fair bit of studio time lately and the more time I have the more mundane my output. Sitting on the beanbag chair in Pat's new playspace and feeling the start of neckache. Sigh. No walk today, Tony wants to do tomorrow, which caused issues as Pat had arranged to go riding. She cancelled without telling me then looked glum to tell me indirectly. I should probably pull one of those unfinished paintings out and try to do something other than sit at synths. Ho hum. 

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