Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Synth DIY & random thoughts of no consequence

I almost wrote 'thoughtage' there but I'm glad I didn't. :)

Synth DIY was so similar to previous ones I had to keep asking myself what year it was. OK, in previous years I wasn't rudely awakened with a fire alarm. Got to play with Paul's synths, looked at a Beatstep Pro or three, enjoyed playing with Synthis real and cloned and really admired the ARP 2600 clone. Other than that, spent a lot more money than I wanted to, smoked more of my weed than I wanted to, missed several days I could've worked on my novel... I know, I know, I must force myself to go out into the world now and again. Didn't bother asking for Cirklon updates, no point.

Today, with no review work in and no desire to write any music, I spent quite a while cramming samples into . Discovered another bug too, related to sliced sample playback. Made lots of loops at 11k and a fair few samples at 22k, all working well. Down to 60 seconds free though. 

Tomorrow I hope to get some stuff done in the garden and perhaps a day without rain... yes, I'm becoming an old man. Maybe I should agree to do more gigs!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Playing with Deep Dream

Isn't everyone?

Me and Pat

Well, I never said I wasn't easily amused, did I?

Completed review today, started to get ready for guys coming tomorrow. Will be lots of curry and beer consumed and I'll probably be skint. Sold the Volca Sample to get cash for weed (sad or what?) but also cos I have a new streamlined idea in which the Volca is superfluous, well close enough.

Sadly the Volca seems to have an issue with its speaker, not sure what as I never used it. Will refund the guy if necessary and get Tony to look at.

Have to decide whether to do more Binar gigs. Having listened through it really is rather good stuff, which is why I do it of course. Andy plays beautifully and if we did more we'd get even slicker, although slick isn't what I'm really aiming for. There's enough for an album and hardly any bloopers to worry about, a few level tweaks and that one sequence where I tried two keys at once... So can I be arsed? Dunno, I know I should push myself to do more, but less is also appealing.

Funny, turns out I don't have anything to say in this as I can't really do review spoilers. Hopefully lots to say next week after Synth DIY and also potentially some new Headshock recording.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

The usual post-gig breakdown

Well well, the Binar gig went off well, well. Andy played a blinder as usual and I don't think I made any horrendous cockups, which is good considering how we had barely spoken let alone practised beforehand. Very hot on stage, I was dripping. And dripping is no way to handle an iPad - even if you are only triggering samples! Used the input level on the Electribe to control sample level, worked well.

I probably gave myself too many plates to juggle but all in all, didn't have many crashes. A few too-loud drum parts here and there, which leads me to the conclusion that having drums totally separate and with controllable volumes makes way more sense than a separate kit in each pattern, all its levels pre-mixed. If they're right, great, if you have to tweak each one, a nightmare. Especially as part selection on the Electribe isn't as fast as the old ESX. Seriously, if anything causes me to flog it it'll be this annoyance. However there's lots of good stuff to celebrate with it.

I upgraded the Electribe OS just before playing - how mad is that! After reassurances that no data is lost or changed, I went for it. I think having the P3 control the Electribe might be a good idea in future as I can use its mixer. And its note sequencing come to that. A single, changing pattern might cover a whole gig, well probably not but it's a thought. Think either the ESX is coming out for drums though or even the Tanzbar. The Volca Sample I may relegate to home use though, it's just too small and fiddly in the middle of a hot gig. Best stuff of all was the P3/Vermona Perfourmer. Large controls, easy to see what's going on, no menus. Shame it's such a big synth.

The Analog Four is still not fitting in perfectly. Perhaps it would if I concentrated on just that but its obtuse operation still sometimes got in the way. As an example, suppose you wanted to use the audio inputs for a couple of synths - adding a bit of A4 reverb and/or delay. This isn't just a matter of plugging in and setting the panning, levels, effects you want. No, you have to repeat the action for EVERY kit. If you're using a bank that's been around a while and has evolved lots of kits and patterns, you'll inevitably change sequences and totally screw your audio input settings - often with unpleasant results. It's the same if you wanted, as I did, to find a quick source of clock. Was having an issue with MIDI leads, thru and my little blue gate-box. Briefly thought of using the A4 to generate clock but then realised, again, that you'd have to set the clock in EVERY kit. Elektron always give you this level of detail on stuff you don't need but miss out detail when you do need it. So while I agree kit-level overrides could be handy, why not deal with the more basic requirements first? The ones you need in a hurry. Ah, moaning to nobody, makes you feel better. I  start to see why the catholic church is still in business! For its own stuff, the A4 was OK-ish but the sequencer is slow and limited compared to the P3. I may use it again in future but probably only for chord sequencing (no need of that if playing with Andy). The repetitive nature of its sequences does get annoying and although  you can use the synth engine to introduce changes and variation, what I really miss is programmed variation and that means P3. Will be interesting to see what the Beatstep Pro is like for randomness and interaction.

Oh, had a scary moment when the Blofeld powered up with a blank screen! I didn't use it as much as poss because I had run out of thrus and had to play it by selecting a track on the P3 to record. Another reason was the guy playing before us used Mellotron sounds all through his set and that's what I had prepared in the Blo. So I mostly left it alone. Someone selling a thru box on facebook, must give guy a shout...

I think that's my smallest ever live rig. And it can get smaller....

Some pix, doubtless there will be more. Thanks to Phil and Jez (the photo's Phil's).

Now to put it all back in the studio....

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Gig prep

Did all my gig prep today, which boiled down to choosing the gear I'm taking, connecting it to the mixer and delay I'm taking, voila!


It did creep a bit once I got started, ended up using the mixer's tape input too, but that's still only 10 channels, my simplest setup ever. P3 will be the heart and there are a few patterns in I can work  on, easy to add them as I go. As well as sequencing the Vermona Perfourmer II the Waldorf Blofeld will be connected so I can use the P3's thru to play it, record it if necessary. Synced will be the Electribe 2, Analog Four and Volca Sample, that's the thing I added at the end as I like its directness. The Electribe input is handling the iPad (Samplr) for the weird samples I've accumulated. It occurred to me that if I had the Electribe Sampler instead of the Electribe, I could trim down even more.
Also taking the SH-101. It and the Blofeld are going through the Analog Four inputs/FX and I'll take the little blue box so I can use the sequencer on the 101 if I want to. Guess I could have used the Analog Four but it's a pain in the arse doing the clock as you have to go through every kit (!) in order to set it up. Words fail me sometimes.

If Colin ever did the 101 MIDI thing for me, I could use that instead of the Roland PC keyboard thing I'm using to knock sequences in. So still economies to be made. Had to use the Timefactor, tried BIM but it just doesn't give all the clock divisions I need and it's just a bit too inscrutable.

May not even need to go through things tomorrow although getting the Electribe levels right is probably worth a half hour noodle.

Summer seems to have been and gone with this week's sudden heatwave.

This is what happens when you let people build houses directly next to a nature reserve. I may try and push the idlers at the council again, I may not bother.