Friday 19 September 2014

Small Pleasures

A lovely day, lunch with Pat then time in the studio, recorded a noodle:

This is the first part of a sketch of a new thing. Later I recorded some Radias sequences and was delighted to be reminded the envelopes work properly. So Korg DO know how to do it. Why cock up on the Volcas, the Prophecy, the software MonoPoly? God I'm an old moaner.

Feel slightly deflated by the Scottish 'no'. Seems we're going to have to fight our own battles rather than hope someone else will cause a revolution. Ah well, money wins. Fear and insecurity are hard cash in people's minds.

To think I almost sold the Radias too. That thing is way more powerful than it looks, a mixed bag of synthesis, effects per track, oh I'm repeating myself aren't I? Had a relaxing afternoon, you'll get the mood if you listen to the track. Had been listening to Conrad Schnitzler, fab album Endtime. Kinda poignant and as important in his way as Jackson Pollock.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

New/small/convenient vs 'better'

You know, much as I like the Analog Four, I'm starting to wonder if I'll spend and ultimately waste many, many hours preparing stuff on it that never gets used. (Recently I decided to avoid getting my OT back when I noticed the prospect filled me with dread.)
Already I'm hitting the limitations of A4 synthesis and effects - but more even than that, the sequencer would have driven me mad by now if I weren't populating it with patterns created in Cirklon. The very static nature of A4 patterns isn't helped much (for me) by parameter locks as the more I use them, the less easily I can interact with the pattern later. Worse, I can't change pattern length or paste data reliably during playback without getting out of sync and the only way to make patterns more interesting is to trigger events in the synth engine that add variation. Four tracks all going in the same direction and at the same speed are not the height of sequencer sophistication!

Compare this with the older, simpler (but bulkier) combination of Korg Radias synth and P3 or Cirklon. The Radias has a lot of deep synthesis, versatile filter combinations, fab effects unique per part, a built-in step sequencer and a mod sequencer...
I finally snuck it back into the studio (see below), but probably still needs adjustment and I may nick that keyboard stand Tim's using (with the rack spaces at the back). Oddly enough I think the Radias sounds as good for its analogue sounds as the A4, which is probably enough to get me thrown out of (analogue) heaven. Ah well.

NB my A4 performance configs are now arranged per track with two effects controls separate. That way I can easily see what I'm doing and I know what to do to get the pattern back to its original sound. Toggling between this performance screen and the mixer is fast and enough live tweaking given all the prepared patterns in each bank. I'm also making it so that each bank follows in key from the last so a project is a complete thing in itself.
With two knos I can turn a sequence sound into percussion, a bass into a kick, whatever. Basically this is the 'prepared spontaneity' required for all Elektron machines. Still doesn't come naturally to me but we'll see how it progresses with more time... still excited I can hold so many projects in it, not giving up yet. :)

Lastly, got some brilliant samples yesterday from the Juno6 processed by various things, usually the Oto Biscuit and Eventide Pitch Factor in unholy combination. I'm doing things with samples using the little Microsampler sequencer that I never did with the OT. A much underrated piece of gear.

Today the sun is shining again. I could be doing more money-generating work but I'm enjoying myself instead. :)

Here's a picture of my (untidy) study for no reason at all:

Sunday 14 September 2014

A4 ponderments

Still being tempted by my old OT back. When I work with the A4 and realise how much easier it is to use, I wonder if I could stand to go back to the illogical operations of the OT?

so I started a new bank, all new kits, new performance defs. Learning from past experience the banks now follow on. Their keys and kits evolve from a common origin. Performances now offering two synth transformations for each of the 4 tracks. Add two FX tweaks and performances make sense again. The way they all interacted before could be mind-blowing and counter-productive. This fast and easy -did full bank of new patterns, all generated on Cirklon or played in manually. Started the next bank too, copying some of the instruments for continuity but adding new ones.

Overdubbing stuff into A4 patterns is really useful. Combining several different patterns by sending different bits of them to a new pattern is producing some great new sequences. So a good day. The evening I plan to do a chapter or two of the main 'quest' section. Will see if I'm in the mood.

I started a painting. Not there yet but some reasonable ideas. More practice required, still treating acrylics like oil.

Monday 1 September 2014

Old stuff dug up

Funny how, as soon as you post a link to an old album you put on bandcamp, you get a flood of requests for people who want a link to a free one. For reviews, their radio show, their pet hamster. It ain't like I ask a lot, just enough to keep bandcamp off my back. So Red Book was always a favourite of mine, even if I did have to add a second album to widen its appeal to the synth fanatics. Blue Book was knocked off in a weekend, not that that makes it bad, but still...

Been getting back into Cirklon having deliberately put the P3 aside. The A4 is still so bloody slow compared to Radias/P3 combi and if it weren't for this lingering desire to be able to play live sometimes, I actually think I'd have scrapped it by now. Or used it exclusively triggered by P3. Maybe that's what I want to do. Cirklon is never gonna be the slick performance sequencer I want it to be.

Work today, 7 new 'epic darkness' tracks to offer out.

The new novel 'Liminal Entity' is around the 18,000 word mark which means I have the start and end in some detail and the middle sketched out. That's the part that's a drag, but unfortunately it's dominating my thoughts and not helping me do actual work. Sigh...