Last night, while half-watching Buffy reruns, I concluded one of my novel scenes that I'd been edging around. I know the bit that comes next and have already begun hinting at my (hopefully) explosive, action-packed final hunt section. Well, there had to be action sooner or later, of some kind anyway.
Jitsi thing postponed. May have a quiet morning writing then.
Did a bit. Friday afternoon tripped, messed with Synthi and Lyra. Recorded hours of drones and thought of a good name for drone project.
Saturday tweaked my first biggish fight, which morphed into a scene I had planned for later, speeding things along a bit. Good. Felt like momentum gathering for a good spurt, amazing how just a few paragraphs can do that.
Good grief, a week later. Does this mean I've been busy? Well, sorta. Novel going on at a jolly pace, somehow keep finding new avenues to explore before reaching my conclusion, but all good. Have taken to visiting mum again and even allowed first visitor into house (Tim), so we recorded some wacky ambience in the studio, just because. This feeling that things are slipping back to normal is very strange and not too welcome.
Oh yeah, some twat ripped off an old track of mine, didn't even bother to get a decent sound, just stuck it on vinyl. Great.
I've been listening to entries from a contest I agreed to judge - a lot of stuff to go through so I'm noting the ones I quite like and those I really like. Very conscious of the recent controversial Spitefire Audio contest for scoring that really silly Westworld scene. Paul L did a serious, quality job and got nowhere. Someone did a lighter, super mario version and won. I loved the winner but I'm in the minority. The absolute best version was the one that took the piss out of the cheesiness, the cliches, the tired old thinking.
It's pissing down and has been for a day or so. Missing summer.
A photo from before the rain....
Oh, someone gave me a violin on long-term loan. Seemed like a good thing at first. However its bow has no string or gut or whatever but worse there's no bridge. I suspect it's going to be just another useless thing I store and possibly trip over.