Sunday, 15 December 2013

The fun part of being a professional composer...

... well, for a start it feels like progress when I'm doing stuff to a film, lining it up with cues on screen and all that malarkey. Very happy with Logic for a change. Apart from it crashing once today it has just done what was expected of it when I dragged in my film to the tune they want tweaking to fit. I was able, I hope, to do what was required which was move things around, mute some parts, add some new ones to suit the context. A good evening's work.

Back in review mode now having pottered a bit. Interesting my pal Volker has done some patches (and they're bloody good too) and I'm getting a fair idea of it, better than I had before. So it's all good.

Even got a short time in the afternoon to play with the Blofeld, define it to Cirklon, add a load of CCs for the filters and envelopes. I left the oscillators or it could get a bit unwieldy but I may add some later. It's probably Waldorf's best synth engine ever, not sure if I said that in the review. Sounds better than the Microwave (even the original one) but less fun to edit than either the Pulse 2 or the Microwave 2, I suspect I'll not tweak it so deeply, life's too short, but I do want to load it up with samples. Looked at Spectre but didn't start doing anything. Not so inviting after all. Diddly fee.

Right, I'll have an hour writing before I call it an evening. Still got mum's dog but went out briefly today. Fresh air good for her I think (mum, not the dog) and I thought her house way too warm, which won't help.

If I have anything else to tell you, it's slipped my mind. Here's photos of gear. Doesn't my hand look weird in the selfie? Not sure why but it's interesting all the same.

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