Monday, 17 November 2014

Visited by a genius and the master of the universe...

Well, if Aphex Twin's latest (pulled) interview is to be believed anyway. I try to encourage Colin to greater things not by praise but by challenges. Either way I hope for a new development phase soon to get a few things tidied up and generally improved.

An excellent curry, went to see a gig on the Saturday, enjoyable but more a DJ set than a fully live thing, which is increasingly the case I suppose. People don't even set their own patches any more and flounder when the computer doesn't do it how they planned. Jeez I'm an old moaner, but only privately. Well, if a blog counts as private (I think this one does).

So Tony took away the Micron with its flakey power supply and failing switches and he took away the Microwave with its dead battery and almost-dead encoders. All deals I hadn't planned on costing me anything but synths I intend to keep. Surprisingly the Perfourmer 2 failed to power up on Saturday night after we returned from the gig. Hope it's just some stoner, rookie mistake but we couldn't immediately suss on Sunday morning. He took Tim's ailing CR8000 too and we discussed my Minimoog's mod wheel. Tony going to consider the best solution for that as at the moment I do most of my modulation over the first few mm, which is mad.

The new leads work great with the Dark Energy, proper TRS to 3.5mm connections, the DE going through the A4 input to make it almost integral. Thinking a sampling Volca might be perfect through the other for my smallest-scaled setup yet. The DE is a great addition to the A4 universe, partly due to the interface, partly due to the rip-roaring sound.

Now back to work. Well, after hearing the new Pink Floyd album which I'm liking a lot more than I expected so far in spite of the kazoo. If it's mostly outtakes, these outtakes are better than most current bands' highest quality.

I think we're all agreed that the Streichfett is great value for money but its phaser is horrible and the lack of top end a shame. It layers beautifully with the Micron though.

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