Sunday, 31 January 2016

When everything goes strange

Funny but no matter how many gigs I do, there's always something new and unexpected. On this occasion, I made life harder for myself with a total lack of awareness of the pub/layout/stage. Not taking keyboard stands was pretty unforgiveable but in the end, Tim and I squeezed onto a single table and we could see the video perfectly. Indeed, I really liked that we could adapt the music to it - so much that I'm gonna look to repeating the idea at Awakenings if poss.

The weirdness came from some of my MIDI behaviour. Sending notes to the KS-4 seemed fine BUT when I stopped, it was like a sustain pedal was on. Now I stupidly took out the sustain pedal that's usually in it but I'm baffled if that was relevant. I swapped MIDI cables, thought it was sorted, then Tim had a last minute idea to start with a different track and, of course, selecting a new combi on the KS brought it all back. So that's new. Then I noticed that selecting patterns on the A4 wasn't bringing in the expected kit/sound. It transpired that the A4 wasn't starting when I sent start from the P3, hence the new pattern was not kicking in, hence the kit wasn't. So the track we started with began with the totally wrong sound.
So all very odd. And, being self-critical, I resorted to what I often do when it seems to be going haywire: I played too much. That said, good response, some miscellaneous folk in pub came up and were warmly enthusiastic. Think Tim enjoyed. Each time a bit slicker. Will go back to P3 selecting patches for synths/drum machines. Daft idea not to save myself that faff, especially with A4/Electribe. The KS needs a bank select so the little blue box...

So a similar setup for the Awakenings gig but solo so without much of the drums. Indeed I might do a much more ambient set with the looper and more space. Will need a longer video but perhaps will use a good chunk of this one as it was fab. A good night! Forgot to give Xan a tape, forgot all sorts.

Would still love to open a single flightcase and be ready do go. Heh, yeah, like that's every gonna happen!

In other news, I didn't quite reach a full month before Virginmedia's broadband was down - and properly down for the full day. Support asked me whether I had 3G and, of course, I said I didn't having never needed it before. Let's hope it's a one-off but it did make me realise they aren't as slick as I hoped....

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