Friday, 19 May 2017

Sync sinks

Well here's a revelation. Having the studio not entirely synced can be a good thing. Sync, it turns out, can make you lazy. Due to the Pro 2's stupid MIDI In bug, I've disconnected it. Now the delays are more controllable, feel and sound better, the screen doesn't jump to Filter Env 2 depth (thus fucking up any edits you;re doing, including mod matrix tweaks) all the time. My P3 basically serves the modular now, the OT/A4 are stand-alone. Cirklon still drives the MIDI gear and can be master if you want, but smaller setups are healthy. Otherwise I take my usual contributions from my usual instruments and sound samey. Gosh, Friday afternoon thoughts eh?

Listening to Cluster Konzerte 1972/1977 which is incredible! Totally love it, proper electronic music. Actually not a million miles from what I did earlier, which is this

Ambient tosh, I know. But hey, I'm old and can do this shit if I like!

Been tidying attic, lots of stuff chucked, hope to fit in proper chair/bed for visitors. :)

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