Sunday 25 June 2023

Draft #3

 Tony has finished novel, enjoyed but thought the start too similar in style to old me - but that it changes to improved/what I wanted after a chapter or so. I'm actually happy with that as it will provide a  transition from first - although first still needs wading through. He thought the ending was weak, which is true and which I've been pondering myself. The new epilogue might give it a better sense of completion because I really don't want to extend it - actually, will be looking at ways to speed up narrative as I go, while also adjective pruning and repetition scrutinising. Will see what I can do as this resonates with my thoughts. Cool enough (Saturday) to get into studio at last!

Where I failed to get the audio working - for my livestream experiment. Recorded the above at the end. Out of frustration. Worked fine yesterday in front room!! Arse. 

Wasted Monday morning navigating the updates of Windows 11 on new laptop. Keep stalling, restarting and generally looking like a bag of shite, so that's nice. Wasn't available with Windows 10 sadly. Oh look, it's now rewriting the BIOS for the laptop. Still failing to get audio working from Zoom on new machine - would be tragic if I had to use old one after all! 

Continuing to struggle with Virginmedia - email buggered which means I'm not able to set up software, join forums or any of the things that require email id confirmation. Very frustrating, must sort out a change of provider ASAP. 

Wednesday and I just wasted another morning trying to get OBS to see both my Zoom's video and audio at the same time. I briefly managed to get it to see the audio by setting the onboard audio to disabled and making it the system default but that quickly stopped working again. I am totally fucked off with the whole thing. When I've cooled down I may try another audio interface and forget the Zoom audio after all - which rather negates the whole point of buying that fucking camera. I should find another app that can access it and see if that's any better but for now I'm pissed off. Doing Blencathra tomorrow in the blazing heat, what idiots!

Sunday, guess what, wasted time with OBS/Audio/Shite - this time trying to incorporate Tim's Motu M2. For a start the install/restart took ages - and I couldn't get the Moto app to recognise its own hardware and, of course, OBS couldn't see it. I later wondered whether it was because the Zoom was still connected. Removed that and audio was seen by the system - but still not OBS. What a pile of shite that is - still nothing from the forum. Next time (!) I'm gonna totally uninstall the Zoom drivers as I suspect they are some contribution to my problems - wish I'd never bought the thing, especially after support started talking about not guaranteeing it supported OBS. Actually wish I'd never started down this road at all - would have saved £1k on laptop and whatever the Q8n cost (£350?). Do I really give a shit about list streaming?

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