Friday 16 June 2023

Still Scorchio

 Which means I'm not doing much. I got some Nurse With Wound recommendations to listen to and I'm working my way through - seems like it was a pretty serious head wound, probably on the way to art college with a rucksack full of items to make collages with. It's sorta mad but interesting, I guess. 

Have pretty much identified a laptop that should suit my needs, seems best price is bought direct from HP, which, soon, I might commit to. I have very little enthusiasm for the whole thing, as you can probably tell but blowing a grand appeals more than blowing two. 

Pat's latest thing is to replace the conservatory roof with some plastic tile stuff which will supposedly keep the heat out and warmth in, a bit like a thermos flash. I'll miss sight of the sky and for £6k we need to really know how much time we're losing to the heat - and add it to the time lost in the attic. Then we can see whether solar panels and air cond might be a better idea. 

Yesterday's walk was the same shit walk we did once before - steep initial climb followed by lots of other climbs and a very long walk back. Oh well, at least today I can faff around with the new laptop, or could if it weren't so hot I don't want to do anything. Again. 

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