Monday 7 August 2023

Saw Dune at last, went to Cambridge

 Well, it's on Prime, which is perfect for someone so stay-at-home. Zimmer's score was good too, with the possible exception of the bagpipes. Wasn't sure about the matador connection, might be time for me to read the whole Dune series again, if I can face it. Glad they didn't try and do the whole book in one go, the pace was just right. 

Recorded a thing yesterday that was better than the thing from the previous day. It was exclusively Super 6 and used the subtle detunes now possible. Can't really tell you more as I signed an NDA - not even putting reports on the 'official' beta list, all of which is quite an odd way to do it. I still think the Soup would be one of my keepsie synths though as I can't think of anything I'd like better for a general polysynth role. Let's face it, nicking a fair chunk of the Jupiter 6 layout was a masterstroke - an even greater one would have been nicking everything from the Jupe!

Drawing up a list of things I'll probably sell. Strangely enough the Minimoog was one of the easier decisions, especially as we bought it out of our savings and the cash should go towards whatever stairs and new windows will cost. 

I think Colin's here next week. 

It's next week now. Done quite a bit on Epilogue II. Wednesday we were going to walk but it was miserable and I fancied the studio instead. This is what I did. It may be shit, will hopefully get chance to listen to it today.

Well, Synth DIY came and went. Tony and Colin good company as usual. We all went for a curry on the Thursday night then continued the trend in Cambridge eating some great food and drinking (too much) beer. Sent Tony off with three repairs (all power-related I think) and Colin with the usual list of suggestions. Interestingly my main one is also Mr Twin's main one so I guess that should give it extra weight. Another one, which should be a darn powerful addition, is going to be easy - allegedly - so may even be quick. Going to order some end cheeks from Rubadub and move Cirklon to a position directly above the Sys8. CVIO issue traced to my board being a very early one - currently reverted to older firmware so my analogue stuff plays in tune again. 

Some Cambridge pix - weather shit on Saturday which meant no fun walking around town - didn't even go to Fopp. 

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