Friday 14 July 2023


The Morphic Resonance thing went ok, even though I deviated from my own (loose) script. Ended up doing three sequencer pieces rather than the two I'd envisaged, with the new Fm one replacing the Em one. I should have ended with but, instead, selected the Cm one, starting it before I'd even unmuted the P3 tracks - silly boi! A bit rusty, eh? Still, all things considered, a fair start - will look at doing two camera angles for future. Cocked up audio recording slightly cos I forgot to start it - managed to splice in first 8-10 mins from video so all is not lost. Sound and mix was fine.

Video still editing as I snipped the pre-start noises and went straight to how the performance actually started. Amusingly, the Synthi point blank refused to do that nice little tune thing it's been doing for a week or two now, so I had to go with ominous drones and weebles. Hey ho. Might put audio on bandcamp but that false start of the third sequencer piece could maybe be replaced, assuming I can be arsed (seems unlikely). 

Nice walk with Pat down Tockholes and off to see John this morning (Wednesday). May even have sold the Tanzbar, which would make the Synth DIY weekend more bearable. The two Behringers aren't really a replacement but they are easier to program, although I really must clear all the shite from the RD9; spent a while the other day trying to decide if the thing had gone faulty - was making a terrible noise that originated in stupidly fast tom repeats!

Sent off the Tanzbar, actually had misgivings about it since it really is the best-sounding analogue drum machine I've ever had. But programming it stinks and I'm too old to remember all the things it does. Back on even keel money-wise so that's something. May be tempted to see if Tony will sell me a pair of his SEM clones...

Was Thursday, Pat away, recorded this

having rolled a '4'. Got out the JP6 to hopefully lure Tim into doing some live stuff, not really thought how it'd work yet but maybe can find space to set up more of his stuff. At some point I could maybe take down that dividing wall, dunno. Heard guy happy with the Tanzbar so that's good. Friday morning now, Broc and I gonna have a decent walk before it rains. Watched John's film last night (Possum) but wasn't keen and, despite what he said, had worked out pretty much exactly the whole thing well in advance of the big reveal. Also sketched first version of Epilogue ii.

One of those was an accident but I like it anyway!

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