Sunday, 5 January 2014

2014, oops it's here

So a strange day in a sense. Unexpected brush-off from dear old friend but turned emotion into ruthless novel editing and tweaking. Solved problem of the slow Curio chapters by making them into deleted scenes. These will be available at the end, past the scenes that are deliberately positioned out of chronological order. Ah, sweet confusion I name thee life! I am increasingly happy with it. We'll see if anyone agrees, I liked the last one too although I accept the highlighted flaws exist. Maybe they all have to have flaws?

Yes, as you can see, not a work evening at all.
I figured I have one review almost done, another started, it'll suffice. Need deadlines anyway. I should perhaps let a few readers see the text, or is it too early? Should do basic flow and error check anyway, and there are sections that require proper quality adjustments.

So Happy New Year, no exclamation marks please.

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