Or is it? The Minimoog is supposed to be 'here' according to the tracking info - after sitting a week in France. So fingers crossed.
Colin and Tony visiting for a couple of days so anything the Mini needs can be sorted, yay. I predict lots of curry and Pat struggling to breathe, poor thing.
Finished review yesterday, really struggled to write it - not because I didn't like the toys in question but because I kept wanting to go back and play them. Giving me 4 synths is hard cos I'm forever bouncing between them. Would take several months to really do them justice.
The Roland RC-505 looper is an interesting beast. I did a mini review after half an hour which I'll post here so this blog has some potential value (yeah, right):
...has a number of things going for it including 3 hours internal memory, 5 stereo tracks, MIDI sync and independent track lengths. I've only been playing for half an hour or so but so far the sync seems to work.
30 min pros:
99 lots of 5 tracks (up to 3 hr limit)
Can do reverse on the fly
Can record independent track lengths
One-shots too
Can load wavs from USB (not tried yet)
Quite small and very easy to use
Effects handy to have, haven't explored much except to note no dotted delay times
Equally hasty cons:
timestretch is warbly horribleness (and it can't go as far as Repeater)
does not 'decay record' as far as I can tell
no way to bounce tracks
no transposition of tracks except via effects (big shame)
+ some odd behaviour recording 'quirky' numbers of bars, sometimes doesn't drop out of record after specified bars. Still pondering that one...
It's strangely limited in some ways compared to the Repeater and if the recording of different loop lengths really doesn't work then I may not keep it. Roland are an intensely frustrating company sometimes, so near and yet not only missing the mark sometimes, but often missing the entire point. Let's hope there's a solution.
So anyway, best go tidy up ready for visitors. Expect gratuitous Minimoog shots soon.
Oh, Headshock's album 'Tales of Summers Past' came back from mastering sounding superb. Did I tell you that already little blog?
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