Thursday, 3 September 2020

A good week of nothing much

 Well, I say nothing much but I'm content with it. Went up the Trough with Tony - a walk of 8.6 miles I think, if my phone is to be trusted. Gave up on the idea of making cider. 

I'm getting close to the end of my second draft and I like where it's going. I've deleted almost 10,000 words so far in my pruning - lots of the dumb asides and unnecessary explanations have gone. I suppose it means parts could need some more detail but maybe not. I trimmed a very long chapter today and might go through it again and do more. 
Jasper struggling to shit again. Booked him in for an anal probe tomorrow, poor sod.
Vinyl master of the album done. Haven't touched the studio this week, just been into words. Tomorrow might be different, we'll see.

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