Sunday, 15 September 2013


Yep, that's it.

Here's one of the pictures I made for the tracks. It seems like a fun challenge to make some image for each track as it's uploading. Keeps me amused or at least distracted.

It's getting windy. Discovered some old stuff today, pix and videos and so on while looking for backups of JIC tracks. Got some video of Phil that we used for a gig in Leeds and also a recording of the gig we did at the Space Centre. For some reason I don't remember that too good, seem to recall we were a bit naff. Happens. :)

Just listening to one of the new CDs I found and it's brilliant. Mellow but lots of looping guitars and some familiarish tracks but very different versions of them. I need to somehow have an idea how many versions of each track there are .... nah, impossible amount of work! Wonder if I'll ever get all this out, or even the best of it. Today's is a good one though.

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