Wednesday 9 March 2022

New week, new month, apocalypse closer?

 OK strictly speaking the new month starts tomorrow but who's counting? I'm awaiting the alarm man coming, starting to go through my review notes and see what the word count should be while typing left handed cos Brock (Pat's new pup) is in my lap, sleeping. Listening back through what Paul has done with the tracks I sent, it seems that HC2 is already pretty much complete.

Yesterday I sent some (fairly stoned) singing and talking overdubs to a tune. I think I sent too much and possibly blew Dean's mind so he's now wondering what kind of effect can make any sense of it. My main issue was trying to find a vocal sound that didn't sound utterly naff in comparison to Don's choruses. My voice really hasn't improved by not using it much for five decades. Excuses excuses. 

Bought two more classical boxed sets - Schubert's symphonies and string quartets. I mean, why not? The quartets were a recommended recording (the Diogenes Quartet) and I'm only two CDs in but they're sublime and I'm completely hooked. 

Realised my auto-reply from the product champion said he was back *next* Monday so tried the suggested contact with my crash info. I'm almost at first draft point now so would be nice to get it sorted but guess there's no really hurry/pressure. Looks like no walk this week as today meant to be nasty weather and tomorrow I'm puppy minding, Friday leak guy coming. The weeks are rolling by. 

Contributed a track (Marchember 86) to a Diary of a madman cassette compilation - using only Soma gear as it's towards a Ukraine charity. Not really in the mood for much else so going to work on review. 

Let's see, it's Saturday and I seem to have been on poochwatch for two afternoons, musically wasted. Review pretty much written, just let it stew a day or so to see if I hear owt back. Sunshine and frogs in the pond, although no spawn yet. Sunday, amazingly poochwatch again while Pat goes for a walk. Starting to wonder if she's avoiding the dog or has realised it's too much trouble. No studio again. :(

Still on poochwatch while Pat takes Marg to hospital then again when she does horse duties and again when she's at St Catherine's. Seem to be spending so much time indoors with the puppy, whose name is Broc apparently, not Brock. I still managed two recording sessions and this EP, which features setup 1 and setup 4. Review pretty much complete, not sure if I'm wasting my time waiting for a fix to the crash so I'll leave in mention of it I guess. Dearly hope I get out to walk tomorrow, even if weather not ideal. 

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