Sunday 10 April 2022

A cold start to April

 Well, it is. Mick had covid so didn't come. Think we're walking Friday this week, hoping my back will be OK for it as I hurt it a bit yesterday. It's Tuesday and I'm pooch-watching for an hour while Pat walks round to Aldi. Later I think I'll crank up the Cirklon setup and finally incorporate that Virus B I picked up a while back and ensure the DRM1 properly working again. Should advertise a few things I'm not using but can I be arsed? Will see what Tony says about the MS20 but if I can't get some mods to make it more interesting, I should get rid. The Repeater can go, more Eurorack, that Novation thing, 303 clones. I think I might put OT back and keep MPC as slave, just to keep the warbles at a minimum. 

Bugger, the DRM1 has reverted to its non-working state now it's back in the rack. Tidied the Cirklon end, not sure the JD-XA works there though, it really belongs with the P3 and as a controller for the Memotron. Mind you the JP6 is good where it is for the time being. The Cirklon setup still ain't totally coherent - has too many options. 

Got Tim round and he took some fab photos with a view to being cover shots - too psychedlic for intended purpose but very cool for ours. 

Put OT back as clock master and the Microfreak clock began working again, so that sorts that. Spent Thursday treating MPC as a drum machine - some very good results due to the great samples and FX. Didn't explore the built-in drum box but will get round to it. Made a good few sequences and drum programs. Still walking on eggshells at home a bit, could be walking in the Lakes tomorrow dunno yet. 

No walkies, Tony's back still sore. A studio afternoon then, building on yesterday's MPC sesh which was essentially using it to play in beats. Learning how to set different kits with FX, haven't decided if I prefer putting things in separate tracks or not - easier for muting but not for banging in patterns. The explode thing didn't seem to work out as expected yesterday, so will try that again and see where I went wrong. 

Listening to a track from the new Schulze album - some swooshy Virus-like noises in it. 

Not a bad afternoon's faffing in the studio, MPC as drum machine / looping thing seems the best way. Pat also in better mood, we tested out the new puppy cage and it seems promising - he can be left without the fear he'll chew stuff to bits or go generally apeshit. Gonna try a nice walk in the morning together, see what's what prior to her heading south for easter. Still trying to gauge how much current mood down to general disappointment in me being me and wider cystisis problem. Either way, must try harder, hate it when there's an atmos. 

Seems I missed the 'multi' option for the drum synth - multi has a different meaning on my DRM-1 so it was one of the options I didn't look at. Had a few beers with Tim and played some Vangelis at him. Decided my phase of vague ambient droney ephemera is well enough explored, fancy a phase of more precise, short, tuney things without lots of layers, pads, percussion or faff. Good discipline for the MPC too and maybe future ANT stuff as not been pulling my weight there lately.

Sunday, Pat off for a few days so I'm gonna have an indulgent time... 

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