Wednesday 20 April 2022

Funtime, frankly

 Sunday was good, at least once I knew Pat had arrived safely. She got held up in the usual M6 traffic jam which must have been terrible given her cystisis. I never spell that right, do I? Anyway, the day was spent pottering with the MPC again - no way round it I've got to take time to learn the thing, seem completely unable to suspend that and just be productive. Got a few cool grooves down and some ideas generally, spread across several boxes now. Didn't go up there until 16:00 and spent a good while into the evening, until curry called. A few episodes of Last Kindgom, some novel scribbling and lots of absinthe...

Monday morning I did a tip trip, picked up more beer, realised we could actually walk tomorrow if Tony up for it. Today could be music with Tim, will see if he fancies it. Somewhat delicate still but sure more beer will fix that. I see there's an update to the RC-505-II that addresses a couple of the issues I had - i.e. you can now put the mic level as one of the encoder top level roles and they supposedly sorted my crash. Will fire it up later. 

Well it's Tuesday evening now and I'm having a last night alone. Was a rainy day and I've little to show for it. Pat seems to be enjoying herself, Broc going down well and I'm missing her by now, predictably enough. She may be taking an extra night away to remind me I need her around ;) Painted a bit (badly) and wrote a bit, also nothing amazing. Should have fired up the studio I suppose. Tomorrow I'll tidy the middle room for Colin and find the blow-up bed for Tony. Oh and hopefully we'll take that cover shot. 

 Ah, dear old RK Dining. Feel I've achieved very little this time Pat was away, not totally sure why but the mood remained elusive. Colin and Tony here tomorrow, I'll probably load Tony down with repairs, if he's amenable. If not, Synthi knob replacement is the main one. 

Well now, it's Wednesday, after Tony and Colin visited. You can always tell when I'm busy having a life as I don't write any blog. Cirklon updated, Tony checked the Super 6 and found plenty of reasons not to get one, as I suspected he would. He also took away a pile of my gear and John's Wasp - I don't know what I'd do without him but I also worry he takes it on when he'd rather be done with it all. He was looking well though and hopefully this year we'll do Synthfest, Synth DIY and have a better time generally. 
Pat still struggling in general - the new medication seems not to agree with her and she's developed what sounds like an awful throaty cold. Being weary and foggy-headed, she's also finding all kinds of  jobs that suddenly can't wait - like cleaning the front of the house, the windows and so on. Can't deny that this martydom thing gets me down but hopefully it's just a phase as she adjusts to her life away from the yard. She told me I had a paunch the other day, so that was nice. 
Tim and I had a few beers in the sun yesterday and noodled on the MPC, all jolly lovely in comparison to my regular existence sitting around feeling like an unwelcome spare dinner. Off to see John today, walking tomorrow, sorting Les's studio Friday morning. 

Oh yeah, another 'bonus' of having a dog is seeing the destruction done by the council regularly, something I'd managed to put out of my mind. 

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