Thursday, 24 March 2011

Up early this morning, not sure why. I started the Neal Stephenson but didn't get far. A style of writing I'm not keen on: smug, self-satisfied, wordy without reason. Moved on to the Paul Auster and was instantly pleased I had. I can see why Tim recommended it too, like a (much) better version of how I write. And already I want to read it all. The sun is shining today too, a perfect day to sit in the conservatory and read, which I must force myself not to do. Work boy, work!
Haha! I did three tracks yesterday, three that had been started in some form or other but basically I completed 'em and sent off. I think one is good, one OK and the other I ain't sure of yet... I did have a wee smoke to help me along so judgement could be impaired. :)

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