Monday, 8 April 2013

Arse Feck

Today I am pissed off. Some you lose but this one, well, nowt I can do so move on.

Cheered myself up with a nice curry, working on V2 of Die Nibelung which is taking shape the more I look at it. With more time it might even have been good.

Didn't do owt else though. Curry didn't cheer me up that much! Everyone is crowing about Margaret Thatcher in a way I don't really like. Not from the love and peace generation. I dunno, seems to me that hate is a sword without a handle. If you use it you have to grasp the blade you're using against others. And that after but a single bottle of San Miguel.

So April hasn't started well. Wonder what else it has to throw at me? Possibly a seriously stupid question to dare to ask but on a day I'm struggling with my own mundanity, I'll go with it recklessly.

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