Wednesday 28 September 2022

Pat away a few days, some mild debauchery lined up

 Yeah, pretty mild, I admit. OK there was the found baggy to get through and Thursday was pretty productive - three tracks, only one of which was shit. Friday we treated like a Saturday and remixed the last thing we recorded and did a new one, so a Headshock triumph all in all. 

Next, Saturday is here and I thought I might give my arse a rest - so bought an Aldi pizza. Three curries on the run might be a bit much, although last night's was delicious. Gonna tackle a bit of garden today and music again in the afternoon - Tony working on his van I think so I'll be without distraction. Still not really broken through with the difficult novel section, I keep chipping away until I have a clear sight of what I want, not there yet but the ideas are there waiting to be plucked.

Ultimately, Saturday was good. Three new tracks, pizza, some words inching towards where they're supposed to go, yeah man. Shrooms - 4 then 4 more capsules. Not extreme, just a mild buzz amongst the general buzz. 

Hmm, some royalties from the States. Also: funny how quitting the Eurorack habit caused cash to start accumulating. 

Tuesday and Tony has two long walks lind up to choose from, think he's trying to kill me off. This lumpy foot could be an issue as it's not exactly easy to walk on - so 9 miles through boggy terrain seems to be a daft proposition. Spent a few hours playing with the MS20 and associated modules and Toosh. It's a great thing in itself and, with the P3 on board and Reface used to add notes beyond the keyboard range, a lovely space to be in. I just realised I turned it off without capturing that fabulous sequence that I'd captured in the RC_505, idiot! Can recreate though as it's still in the P3. And I need a better melody than the Kraftwerky one I kept slipping into. Anyway, getting some novel in as I had some improved ideas while walking Broc this morning (Pat's back too sore to take him out). 

Will aim to make my Friday happen on Thursday this week due to wedding. 

Bow Fell (quite a big one), tiring but a good walk and lots of pix (these are my 'B' set). 

Osmose update - still nothing substantial announced, doubt I'll see mine this year (if at all).

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