Monday 19 September 2022

September shuffles along, Night Sky arrives

 Been trying Udo again with my long-time moan about lack of fine tune between the oscillators. Really frustrating this issue has taken the shine of a lovely synth for so long. I mostly love the UI - but where they deviated from the JP-6 is where they went wrong. The keyboard ain't great, the left hand controls poor and the sequencer still annoys me - all could be forgiven if they'd just attend to this basic function. We'll see if this attempt makes any progress but it sure was disheartening to be at this stage and return to the original 'did you set the controls to high res?' question, which shows they haven't understood the issue at all. Calm breaths, Paul.

This morning I'm going to my mum's to fit the SIM in her new phone - the one Margaret had and we recommended in the past. She'd bought it before but disliked immediately and had sent back before I was able to get there and find what she disliked. Mothers eh? The NightSky is meant to arrive just after lunch so may get a quality play. Think I'll attach to the Super 6 as I'm playing that a lot at the moment, will retire Cosmos to its MS20 corner where it works well. Ignoring the MPC for a while. Good to have it there as a reminder I really don't need it - or anything else. Yesterday I went through all the BB songs in setup 4 and found their tempii and added to file names. I should do same for BBS1.

Faffed with phone but eventually sussed mum's numbers weren't on her SIM as she had believed. Victory that took a while. Got home to glorious sunshine and a NightSky. Spent just a while (too nice) and it has a nice and very tweakable character containing some elements of the Eventide Space as well as its own flavours. The sequencer was good (somehow I expected it to sequence any parameter not just pitch/size) and the morphig even better, will definitely use that. No way I'm not doing yet more ambient nonsense with this baby. Maybe makes less sense to have it in the same room as the BigSky as there is a Strymon character very evident. The Oto BAM still the nicest-sounding for the big warm ambience sound, the Space still the weirdest, the BigSky the widest-ranging and this one maybe wins for its performance control, we'll see when I learn it properly. 

When I was young I was all about delay. Now I'm old it's verbs. Definitely a sign of advancing age. 

Doc appointment got mysteriously cancelled - by the app they reckon. Anyway, spoke to receptionist and arranged a proper appointment. Sadly, it was first thing in the mornig and my vocab subroutines were still initialising. Could not think of the word 'prostate' so instead I asked to have my arse probed as a friend recently died of arse cancer. I suppose they hear all sorts of nonsense. 

Saturday was an excellent Headshock sesh its name on the tip of my tongue. Yessirreee.Knill. We were both convinced Tim's mix was perfect, fla,wless and so on - later realised he missed the throbbing sequence that held it together. I almost did too. Dopey idiots!

Looking for a copy of my old website (and failing to find a recent one), came across quite a few backups of early library tracks. Had forgotten just how diverse it all was. Quite a few I'd forgotten about - lots of wacky use of Apple Loops but in my own inimitable style. And this just scratching the surface.

Pat going away this week. Fun, smoke, wld noises and writing ahead!

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