Friday, 26 February 2010


Rainy day so didn't walk out very far. Betty across the road fell (again) and this time broke her hip. Pat went with her to hospital and I was on horse duty. Didn't get much review written but did manage to get a decent start made, helped by answers at last from Numark.
Good news then when I got email back from Yooka to say one of my tracks has been accepted. No word on the other two but one success is good enough to start with. It was the last one I submitted too - I personally thought it the second best of the three. If I don't get owt back from DW then I at least have five other good tracks to use. Best work on more. :)
Hoping for quiet night in, once Pat back from hospital. Holding off on my Friday afternoon red wine in case I have to drive and pick her up. Have cooked a lovely bolognese though using up those weird mushrooms Pat did. What possible value recording this will be to me at any point in the future is unknown. If I was gonna keep a diary, this is a very weird time to start...

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