Saturday, 13 February 2010


Have a bit of freedom this weekend. Tidy up the EQ of the 5 tracks I'll use, removing a little low end rumble. Write a covering letter. Should really start improving my website too. Sigh. But I've got time to explore a bit, program some Zebra patches and take a look at all those Synth Squad synths. Shame there are so many and the effects are separate, not totally sure where to start. Appears more CPU-hungry than Zebra and not immediately superior either but we'll see how it pans out with some time spent.

Should I use the P3 cash to buy a better mother keyboard? The M-Audio one does stick quite a bit but I'm just reluctant to throw more cash at the Mac unless it's essential. I know it's sounds I'll be needing really. And loads of instrumental loops and stuff. Time for another sigh.

MiniAK should be here next week. Obviously targetted at the Microkorg and should be superior given it's actually a Micron. We'll see though.

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