At least I've had a reminder on CVIO and have set up my tracking - sadly some variation between my many oscillators, even the digital ones. I guess very few people have totally accurate voltmeters. Going to put P3 away and get back into Cirklon, with a view to helping out more with general support questions and maybe even do a few more videos. First, a gig to plan and a backing video to make, and a trip to Ikea, and yet more stuff.
Got hooked on Stranger Things at Colin's so today I smartened up our TV and signed up for Netflix. More review stuff to do also, modules, and more to come. I know, I know, I'm a total whiner. Got a book by Stephen Palmer, fellow electronic musician, and this one is actually published. I intend to read and learn. Might even send him a copy of mine and ask if he'll take a look and offer any pointers. Cheeky I know but if I'm to improve it'll only be by people reading and commenting. At the moment it's all a bit of a darkish hole, which rarely bodes well.
Have finally got my ftp stuff sorted so I can fix the websites, or at least put in some useful links and fix the broken nonsense. Whenever I get chance.
Right, can't be sat around here all day making virtual lists of things I tackle!
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